Posts tagged with "life skills"

  • Recent developments in Turkey

    2019 has been an active year in the field of adult education in Turkey. İŞKUR General Directorate (Turkish Employment Office), which is responsible for the development of national occupational standards, has continued financing adult education pro...

  • Developments: Territorial network for lifelong learning set up

    The Italian government introduced a territorial network for lifelong learning (Reti Territoriali per l'Apprendimento Permanente), serving as the backbone of the Italian lifelong learning system. The networks connect the institutions and the provi...

  • Challenges: Loss of opportunity for international exchange and collaboration

    The UK no longer participates in Erasmus+. This means that there is a loss of opportunity for exchange and collaboration in adult learning and education, as there is no provision for this in the UK's replacement programme, the Turing Scheme.